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The Conversation

The Conversation: Derek W. Black and Angelica Dueñas

Angelica press photo

The Damage Report interviews progressive Angelica Dueñas.


Shut It Down!

The LADWP Sun Valley Generating Station has been leaking 10,000 cubic feet of methane for over two years. Angelica Dueñas and team are demanding they either fix the leak now, or shut down the entire operation.

Angelica at a protest

Protestan en casa de Tony Cárdenas y le piden que asuma posturas progresistas.

Activistas de ‘Sunrise Movement’ y la rival progresista de Tony Cárdenas en las próximas elecciones de noviembre le exigen que deje hacer tratos con grandes corporaciones, que apoye el Nuevo Trato Verde e impulse el programa Medicare para Todos.

Angelica on Univision

Nancy Pelosi debe entregar el liderazgo del partido, así lo piden demócratas progresistas de CA.

Candidatas de California del ala progresista del Partido Demócrata piden impulsar el programa Medicare para Todos, retomar el “nuevo acuerdo verde” de Bernie Sanders y piden a Nancy Pelosi abrir espacios a las nuevas generaciones. La veterana congresista hablará el jueves en la Convención Nacional Demócrata.

Vanessa Guillén

Justice for Vanessa Guillen and holding the military accountable.

Violence in the military against women, and specifically women of color, must be confronted as we build a better world.

Amped Up with Ryan Knight

Amped Up with Ryan Knight.

Are you ready to get #AmpedUp? Democratic socialist and political activist Ryan Knight interviews progressive candidates who are running for Congress to fight for the fundamental change that we need to heal this nation!


Getting through this crisis with Angelica Dueñas.

Lee interviews Californian activist and congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas. She is currently heavily involved in community mutual aid efforts while also experiencing personal crises. They discuss mutual aid through this crisis, how survivors of sexual assault are being asked by the DNC to support a sexual predator, her experience as a Bernie delegate in 2016, and her campaign for Congress.

End Police Terror

Refuse in Power.

We refuse an economic system where 3 billionaires hold more wealth than the bottom 50% of our country. We refuse a congress that continues to open the floodgates to these inequities; a congress that continues to abdicate their constitutional mandate, cede its own power, all the while they somehow get richer. We refuse a world where there will be another Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd.